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10 Ways To Get Your A** In GEAR

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1. Define what success means to you. I know a lot of women with sexy bodies that aren’t very happy. A great body without happiness isn’t worth it. Happy first.

2. Slow and steady wins the race. Set attainable goals, less is more ini the beginning. Once you start feeling successful it will build your confidence to continue

3. A-Team. Only surround yourself with people who believe your goals and dreams are possible. If they’re a naysayer or a bad influence on your success, you must make some cuts from your team

4. Have fun. Only do workouts that make you happy. If you haven’t found a workout you enjoy keep searching. Workouts are like dating, sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince/princess. And remember, not all workouts are created equal

5. Positive pep talks. Be careful the words you use on your path to hotness. That little voice in your head is very powerful… Make it positive. Learn to replace negative self talk with affirmations of awesome.

6. Rebound Quickly. The stronger you are the quicker you recover from adversity. Learn to forgive your mistakes in an instant so you can get back on track to awesome. The longer you live in self-doubt land the longer your life is waiting for you.

7. Compare and despair. Do your best to trust your journey and not compare your body to others. You want to be an original, then be the best you. There are to many people trying to be like everyone else. It’s boring. Be different. Be you, and watch the pounds melt off.

8. Stop looking for shortcuts. Anything worth having takes effort. When you can stop looking for the magic easy workout and start eating right and being consistent your life and body will change. There is no secret trick… you are the secret and your effort is what will create the magic.

9. Give it everything you have. Average effort produces average results. If you want to have an awesome body, give it everything you have. No regrets.

10. Never give up. Doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever will… rest if you must but please don’t quit. How do you get to your goals? You don’t stop until you get there… It’s as simple and as hard as that. Be a bad-ass.


SHOUT-OUT & Shameless Plug: I did a beautiful photo shoot for this article I wrote on CARBON38 take a look: http://www.carbon38.com/locker-room/lacey-stone.html

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